It is November, and I am tired of repeating myself. I am not asking for expensive items that your parents have to buy or even get to the store on a regular basis for. I am asking for things that cost nothing OR cost less than shoelaces. I am willing to bet a pen & a highlighter are, in fact, the least expensive things on your person during the school day, and yet many of you seem to feel that these necessary & required supplies are not that necessary. So, moving forward, you will have a weekly Classwork grade, which will be an average of each school day that week. Missing any of these items (or not having them when directed to turn to them) will cause a loss in all points for the day. So, it is 100 or 0. To be clear, you must have with you for every class:
1. A standard blue or black pen (I suggest at least 2 in case one runs out on you)
2. A working highlighter (any color)
3. Your notes
4. Your handouts (which should be in your binder with the notes for the chapter that the handouts are about)
In addition, being ate to class without an acceptable-to-me excuse OR an illegal absence will result n a zero for that day. Late hall, need to get an ID, something I did not approve, no one has called you in sick...all unacceptable. Not paying attention, head down, not doing work as directed, phone goes off during class, even if collected, talking to others in class & not on task...all unacceptable. Legal absences will not be counted & your weekly average will be divided only by the remaining days in the week (so if in 4 days, I will divide by 4 instead of 5.)
#1: In a 5-day school week you were in class, on time, and had everything needed for every day. You paid attention & did your work as assigned. 100 for all 5 days = 100 for week.
#2. Absent Monday, no one calls you in sick. (0) Late to class Tuesday. (0) No highlighter Thursday. (0) Wednesday & Friday you were prepared (100 each.) 200 divided by 5 days = grade of 40 for the week.
#3. Legally absent Monday & Tuesday. Prepared Wednesday & Thursday, but can;t find handouts on Friday. 3 days of school, 200 divided by 3 = 67.
Any questions? Please see me before or after class. Questions about your specific issues? See me before school.